Nov 18, 2007

Repentance Blacklist

A great controversy is stirring again in Christianity.

The idea of repentance is not new and neither is the controversy attached to it. Some say it is necessary for salvation, others say salvation is by faith without repentance. When the Pharisees came to John the Baptist to be baptized of him, John told them to bring forth fruit meet for repentance. The Pharisees thought they could join in the religious ritual of baptism to cleanse them from their sins. This is foreign to biblical salvation. We all know baptism does not save a person. I know that salvation is not of the works of righteousness which we have done. I know we are saved by grace. I realize salvation is all of God and not of man. I understand grace is a gift and all I have to do is receive Christ and He does ALL the saving ALL by Himself. Of course I believe we cannot add anything to salvation. Even the good works of repentance. Neither can we take away anything from salvation. Repentance is a work of God in the heart used to bring a person to proper faith in Him. Without repentance we have an empty shell of a “hope so, maybe so” religion that brings about dead works. Faith without works is a dead faith.

The heart of the matter is the heart.

Is repentance just a matter of giving up vices? Many have quit drinking, smoking and pornography without being a Christian. Many have pruned the branches of vice from their life but John the Baptist said, “…now the axe is laid to the root.” No man can produce these good works necessary without the Spirit of God dwelling in him. Repentance is a heart matter. If a man is not willing from the heart to turn, then he is like the man putting forth his hand to the plow and looking back. The Bible says this man is not fit for kingdom work.

I changed my Mind

Repentance is not a work of man. It is a work of God that brings a change of heart and attitude about something. Repentance is simply a change of mind. God repented. Back in the book of Genesis God decided He was going to destroy the man He created. God did not repent of sin. He is Holy. He cannot sin. He changed His mind about the creation of man.

Repentance is a given by God

Repentance is a gift. Man is confronted by God regarding trespasses and sins. When a person is made to realize he has offended God by breaking His law, guilt begins to make that man sorrowful for his wrongs. This guilt must be addressed. It can be suppressed by acts of contrition or self righteousness but these exercise not repentance.

How sorry are you?

There are two kinds of sorrow. Worldly sorrow toward sin is being sorry you got caught in sin. An apprehended criminal that has worldly sorrow will repeat his crimes over and over again without repentance. Contrast that with Godly sorrow which works a change of mind about sins. This Godly sorrow is what leads to true repentance. A repentant sinner will be careful not offend a Holy God. Consider Esau who had sought after repentance without faith. He sought it with tears but could not obtain the heart of repentance God requires for salvation. His was a work of repentance wrought by self and not the true repentance God gives.

2 Cor 7:10

Results of Repentance

Repentance results in a clear view of faith. It is towards God (the One we have offended) and turns to the Lord Jesus Christ by faith. The jailer at Philippi experienced this repentance when he said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" Paul experienced this gift of repentance on the road to Damascus when he said,"What wilt thou have me do?" Simon the Sorcerer did not "get it" in Acts 8 because he had other motives than faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He was not repentant. Everyone that comes to Jesus must first come through the gate of repentance.

Repentance BLACKLIST

One well meaning preacher has a skewed understanding of repentance. He has a web site that has a blacklist of some very good men. He goes beyond an honest study and paints with a broad brush all of us who believe this Biblical doctrine as heretics. I tried to understand his position and there are two possible conclusions. He has not studied the Bible doctrine of repentance. He has listened to too many Jack Hyles sermons and opinions of men Another possible conclusion: When he made his profession as a six- year- old he did not understand the Biblical doctrine of repentance. Without a clear understanding of repentance how could a person possibly be saved?

Missed by 12 inches!

The approximate distance from the head to the heart is twelve inches. Now I am not talking about that beating organ in your chest. The heart I am speaking of is the soul of man. If a person has an intellectual knowledge of salvation but not a heart repentance, he is no different than any religious zealot. God is not interested in lip service. He wants the heart.

Mark 1:15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.


Sis. Julie said...

Amen Bro. Randy!! Repentance is certainly missing from many Baptist churches. It saddens my heart to say that many have taken to the preaching and belief of the 1-2-3 repeat after me way of salvation and do not want to preach repentance. Either they truly don't believe it is essential to salvation or they are more interested in the numbers thing. Thank God I'm in a church under a man of God (even if it is my husband...LOL) who believes and preaches repentance!! Great post!!

Anonymous said...

Great Post Bro Randy I am one that believes in Repentance I just believe there is too much scripture in the Word of God that once a person gets saved there life doesn't change. I believe that repentance which is given by God is neccessary for salvation and I do not believe it is only a turning form unbelief to believe I think it is much more than that. I believe a person before they get saved got to be sick of who they are without God. Good Post.

Bro Tim

Anonymous said...

We know from Ephesians 2:8-9 and numerous other passages that salvation is not of works. Jonah 3:10 proves that turning from sin is works, and God repented in that same verse! Read it! Also watch my pastor, Dr. R.A. Smith preaching on the repentance issue. Steve Anderson isn't alone on this!

carrierwave said...

I happen to agree with the "Repentance Blacklist" basic premise in regard to SALVATION. This is where the confusion results, by not separating the doctrine of salvation and the doctrine of sanctification. Pastor Anderson is correct!

First of all, the word repentance itself has been given a new definition today than the actual Greek as used by John the Baptist, the Lord Jesus Himself, and the Apostles. This new definition of repentance perverts the very plan of God’s salvation by GRACE for lost sinners. The perverse idea that the word “repent” means to “turn from your sins” or “be willing to turn from sins” is nowhere found in the Greek definition and implies a requirement (prerequisite) of improved behavior necessary in order to be saved by GRACE (unmerited favor)! (Romans 11:6) This is a bold contradiction and is “another gospel“. I feel this illogical equation has caused great confusion and division among those who profess to be saved by GRACE, and gives the ‘unsaved’ a false impression of what the Bible actually requires of them. I personally see it as a dangerous teaching where God requires a pre-sanctifying of lost sinners by "works of the law" BEFORE one is even saved, thereby nullifying GRACE salvation in Jesus alone.

There is no excuse for adding "works of the law" to the act of faith by the faulty, modern-day definition of "repentance". The Bible term “repent” is a transitional expression that finds it’s meaning only in the context of it’s use. For instance, God “repented” several times in scripture. In the proper context, God “changed His mind” (repented) and reversed a decision He had previously made. He in effect, changed from one position to another position. (Amos 7:6) It is impossible that the word “repented” in Amos 7:6 means to “turn from sins” unless one believes that God, Himself is a sinner.

John’s message to Israel was that they were a self-righteous, law-justified, heritage-proud, people. John rebuked them and the religious leaders as they thought they were already righteous by trusting in the Law, and trusting their Jewish heritage being sons of Abraham as their SALVATION. (Matthew 3:9) This is what John commanded that they “repent” from, that is, trusting in their dead works of Law-keeping and Jewish heritage to save them. A careful study of this portion of scripture shows Israel was attempting to be saved by their own righteousness. (The Apostle Paul states this same truth very clearly in Romans 10:1-4 about Israel, and what they needed to repent about.)

John baptized those who had believed having “repented” from their own righteousness and came “confessing their sins”, or literally, confessing their sinfulness, (A very important verse Mat. 3:6). (See: Mark 1:4-5, a parallel account). They came to John having changed their minds from trusting their own-righteousness by “confessing their sins” and submitting to John’s baptism. This is what the Pharisees and Sadducees lacked when they came to John’s baptism. They had not “repented” from their own-righteousness and had not “confessed their sins” needing God’s forgiveness and salvation! The Pharisees and Sadducees were the most religious and “righteous” individuals in all of Israel, as touching the Law. But it was their own-righteousness. They needed to “repent” of this and trust God’s righteousness; NOT their own. This is the “repentance” that John preached for the forgiveness of sins in Israel. The words “turn from your sins” are not found anywhere in John’s discourse for being saved. They “repented” by believing John and “confessing their sins” asking for MERCY for remission of sins. John never required they “stop (turn from) sinning” in order to have their sins remitted. Submitting to baptism was certainly a “fruit” of salvation, but it did not save them. This is why John questioned the Sadducees and Pharisees when they came to his baptism; They had no “change of mind”, NO CONFESSION OF THEIR SINS and they saw no need to believe on the coming Savior.

waldenehn said...

I really find this "repentance is a work" thing to be blasphemy from Hell. Repentance means being sorry for your sins and being willing to give them up. Faith means resting in Jesus to forgive you and give you a new life with power over sin.

You can't have faith without repentance and you can't repent properly without faith. They both work together by the power of the Holy Ghost. But you have to choose to let go of your sins and receive Him.

"Good works" are what grows in you by the Spirit after you are saved.

Christ bought our salvation. There is no amount of good "works" than can add anything to the price He paid.

But what are these "preachers" trying to say? That we should refuse to turn from our sins because that would make it look like we were trying to work our way into heaven?!

I knew about Jesus for years. I believed in my head. But it did me nothing good until I was willing to lay down my sins--REPENT! How about that! Does that mean I "bought" my forgiveness?

All this "repentance is works and we mustn't repent because we mustn't trust in our works"--is the double-talk of Hell coming out of reprobate minds.

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