Nov 5, 2007

Readers: Please Comment

The following is a post in response to my atheist article below. I will keep the author anonymous. The reader asks:

"So how does a Christian answer the question? Is it right for the parents of a little girl who has been raped and abducted to believe that an all-powerful and all loving God is looking over and watching her? (Emphasis placed on all powerful.) The question was never answered. I don't think the tone that Mr Harris uses is the issue, the question he asks is the issue. "

Please comment in comments section. I will post the relevant comments. Thank you.


Abigail said...

"So how does a Christian answer the question? Is it right for the parents of a little girl who has been raped and abducted to believe that an all-powerful and all loving God is looking over and watching her? (Emphasis placed on all powerful.) The question was never answered. I don't think the tone that Mr. Harris uses is the issue; the question he asks is the issue. "
Yes, of course it is right for her parents to believe that an all-loving and all-powerful God is watching over her because it is true! God is an omnipresent and omniscient being. He knows everything that is going on in the world and in the hearts of men. He also is everywhere.
We should not be questioning God in this matter whether or not He is watching over the little girl, but rather, why did that man do what he did? Why does that man feel that he had to abduct and rape a poor little girl? The sin nature is in his heart, as it is in all of our hearts, and because that man is not saved, he does not have the control of the Holy Spirit on his life. God is grieved to see sin on the Earth, the beautiful creation that once was is now being polluted by sinful mankind. Remember that God is angry with the wicked every day, and that man will get his just punishment; on Earth or at the Great White Throne Judgment.
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption;”
Gal. 6:7-8

Mary said...

First of all, I’d like to say that this hypothetical situation is very rare. It would probably happen more often if it weren’t for the Spirit of the Lord on the earth right now. Since it's just a hypothetical situation, I won’t go into all the obvious questions regarding its circumstances i.e. – Where were the parents? Who was supposed to be watching over her? Etc., etc., etc. All of us KNOW there are loonies out there! We’re supposed to take precautions in life, especially when children are involved.

Since this question was posted, I began to wonder why the atheists in the world don’t “indict” God for all the wonderful things they experience each day? To name a few: Sunshine, air, rain, wind, clouds, trees, green grass, flowers, spring, summer, winter, fall. Clean, pure water, vegetables, meat, bread, fruit, juice. Family, friends, new babies, little children, and neighbors. Who should we “blame” for giving us the brilliant minds that created the computer, automobile, medicine, refrigeration, television, radio, timepieces, airplanes, etc., etc., etc.? Who shall we “blame” for color? Who should we “accuse” of giving us the brains to know what to do with it all?! Why aren’t the atheists shaking their fists over these things?

To take one hypothetical situation, blame God for it, and then make it an excuse not to recognize His Lordship is, quite simply, lunacy! Let’s put the blame for all mankind’s problems right where they belong – in the laps of sinners.

j_t_f said...

Once again, the guilty one is not on trial...

Notice that the question puts the "blame" on the all powerful God, that He allowed it to happen. No doubt there will be plenty of reasons to show that it's not man's fault:
- he had a rough childhood and doesn't know how to deal with certain situations
- he can't confront his own issues so he goes about confronting and causing issues with others
- he's a result of his environment, he can't have a normal relationship so he has to resort to doing what he did
- he is an animal at heart, after all he's just a few stages past a primate in the evoulution chart
- he can't be held to a "moral standard" because admitting morals would mean admitting something greater than "human nature"
- he can't be held to laws that go against his behavior, i mean come on...every law that i know of was written by some man.

The question should be:
Is it right for a man (created by an all powerful God) to use the will, given him by God, to willingly choose to ignore the details all around him that prove there is a Creator and Savior?

answer is no

P.S. - Sam Harris' book, "letter to a Christian nation" should be marked "return to sender, no address found"
We do not live in a "Christian Nation"!
I would strongly encourage anyone who is SERIOUS about finding answers about Christianity to look in the Bible...not everything but the Bible

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