Oct 19, 2007

Questions for Atheist

I recently read Joseph Farrah's Whisleblower Magazine entitled "The Rise of Atheism in America". What an eyeopener! Farrah is a brilliant man that takes on Christopher Hitchens and Dawkins and Sam Harris. I am amazed that such intelligent men could try to argue against God. I am pleased to know that such arguments are held in derision by a Holy God. In my research and study about the subject of atheism and agnosticism, I find many flaws and inconsistencies. I see it in the arguments and in the character of the proponents of the religion of atheism. I see in the soul of atheism the essence of rebellion. The arguments are tired and musty. It happened at the Scopes trial where Darrow put the Bible on trial. The Word of God has been on trial since the Garden of Eden when the slithery serpent asked, "hath God said?"

Now I have some questions for Atheists. A reasonable person can plainly see that it takes as much faith to worship at the altar of Atheism as it does to worship at the cross of Jesus Christ. One major difference is at the Cross is redemption. Here are some questions to consider:

1. How can the universe explode into an organized system of complexity from nothing?

2. How does the second law of thermodynamics, that is everything tends to entropy, apply to everything except the Big Bang?

3. Where is evolution in process right now in the universe?

4. How could man allow such gross injustice and evil into a world of suffering?

5. Where does all of the incredibly complex information come from that is stored within DNA? Information doesn’t just appear by itself. Someone has to put it there.

6. Why does humanity seem to have an innate desire and need to worship something, or someone? Why is there such a universal religious sense within humanity?

7. Isn’t it a bit extreme to assert "God does not exist"? To make such a statement you would have to have complete knowledge and to have been everywhere in the universe. Maybe God dwells somewhere in the universe you don’t know of or have not been to? Is that possible?

8. What about the evidence of design in all of creation? It is obvious that anything that is designed has to have an intelligent creator. For example, a computer never came about by mere accident, but had to have been thought out and planned by an intelligent designer. It is the same with creation, and more so, as the natural world is far more complicated than anything humanity can create.

9. How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history who testify to a life changing experience with Jesus Christ?

10. How do we account for the historical Person of Jesus Christ? He has made such an impact upon history that we even measure our calendar by Him. 2000 years on and millions still follow Him.

11. Are you seriously interested in discovering the truth or are you more interested in ridiculing religion in general and Christianity specifically?

12. Are you neglecting your duty to God by denying He exists?

13. The most important question you must consider is, "Where will you spend eternity?"

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